Picture record highs in NYC in the middle of July, sweltering temperatures and short tempers abounding. This was the month we chose to attend TexWorld USA at the famous Javits Center. We welcomed being inside to attend the numerous seminars held by companies and associations like Supima, Lenzing, Surya, the International Cotton Association and Global Organic Trade Standard (GOTS).
Aside from learning, one of our main objectives was to meet new people at these venues. Fortunately for us, we were invited to several textile showrooms in Manhattan, when the directors found out we were in the midst of planning the creation of the ZayZay brand and determining our fabrics of choice.
We were loaned several tons of binders overnight to wade through. This meant late, late nights and early starts sorting through fabric samples fueled by rather questionable nutritious substances. Here’s a glimpse of the not always so glamorous side of travelling.
Photo above: By Jim Henderson